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针对部队训练需求和理论上的空白,根据热线瞄准原理,从理论上分析了热线瞄准射击影像的判读原理,指出了与前置瞄准射击影像判读的本质不同,提出了判读步骤,为进一步开发判读工具提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
In this article, we introduce the capacitated warehouse location model with risk pooling (CLMRP), which captures the interdependence between capacity issues and the inventory management at the warehouses. The CLMRP models a logistics system in which a single plant ships one type of product to a set of retailers, each with an uncertain demand. Warehouses serve as the direct intermediary between the plant and the retailers for the shipment of the product and also retain safety stock to provide appropriate service levels to the retailers. The CLMRP minimizes the sum of the fixed facility location, transportation, and inventory carrying costs. The model simultaneously determines warehouse locations, shipment sizes from the plant to the warehouses, the working inventory, and safety stock levels at the warehouses and the assignment of retailers to the warehouses. The costs at each warehouse exhibit initially economies of scale and then an exponential increase due to the capacity limitations. We show that this problem can be formulated as a nonlinear integer program in which the objective function is neither concave nor convex. A Lagrangian relaxation solution algorithm is proposed. The Lagrangian subproblem is also a nonlinear integer program. An efficient algorithm is developed for the linear relaxation of this subproblem. The Lagrangian relaxation algorithm provides near‐optimal solutions with reasonable computational requirements for large problem instances. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
China’s defence expenditure has been growing rapidly along with GDP growth during the past two decades. Meanwhile, the income gap has continued to increase. There are conflicting views regarding whether the defence expenditure is capable of reducing income inequality. Therefore, this paper investigates the existence of any spillover effect of defence expenditure on income inequality, with a special focus on the regional differences among 31 provinces and 7 military regions in China. We extend panel cointegration and the impulse response function by using panel data during the period of 1997–2012. The empirical results show that the defence expenditure has an impact on income inequality, and the effect varies over different regions in China. The defence expenditure has a spillover effect on income inequality in the full sample panel and the southeastern panel. An increase in the defence expenditure does not crowd out social welfare spending due to the high level of economic development and government expenditure. On the contrary, in the northern panel, the effect is opposite because of the unbalanced economic development levels within the panel. Beijing as the capital of China, benefits more from the expansion of defence expenditure thus widening the income gap. In addition, the impulse response analyses further confirm a stronger effect of the defence expenditure on income inequality in the northern and the southeastern panels over a short period.  相似文献   
根据模型推导了主链运动忽略不计时的侧基多重内旋转运动的相关函数和谱密度函数 ,并用 NMR研究了离聚体乳胶 IPN( Io-LIPN)中 Pn BA侧基的 13C自旋 -晶格弛豫时间 T1.对测得的 T1进行了拟合 .结果表明离主链越远 ,Io-LIPN中聚丙烯酸丁酯的侧基基团内旋转运动速度越快  相似文献   
本文从动态模拟试验与靶场验收试验的等效性出发,根据瞬发发火和惯性发火作用机理的不同,分别建立了迫弹引信在碰击靶板过程中着发机构的物理数学模型,从理论上推导了考核引信瞬发发火可靠性和惯性发火可靠性的相似准则,即模拟弹着靶速度与靶场验收试验时实弹着靶速度间的关系。  相似文献   
高速核入射到高温热平衡等离子体背景中,由于入射核动能远大于背景等离体中带电粒子之平均动能,入射核在与背景等离子体达到热平衡之前,会存在一段逐渐损失能量的非平衡弛豫过程。本文以高速氘核入射到高温氘化锂等离子体为例,在计及氘核的这种非平衡弛豫过程时,给出了一种计算热核反应D(t,n)~4He之反应率参数的方法。氘核在弛豫过程中的能量损失考虑了氘核与各种带电粒子的库仑散射过程,其能量损失率采用快速带电粒子的慢化理论来计算;氘与背景等离子体中的原子核发生的核反应过程,考虑了非平衡状态下束靶机制的D(t,n)~4He反应和热平衡状态下的D(t.n)~4He反应。在暂未考虑核散射的情况下,计算结果表明,当等离子体温度在7.5KeV~20KeV范围内变化时,氘核的非平衡弛豫过程对热平衡状态下D(t,n)~4He反应率参数的修正因子大致在1.0062~1.0943范围内变动,且温度越高,修正因子越小。计算还表明,当温度一定时,修正因子随等离子体中粒子的数密度变化不明显。  相似文献   
本文根据对潜艇处于水下状态发生辐射事故时的辐射影响的分析,得出当燃料元件包壳破损率和蒸汽发生器传热管泄漏量即使在允许限值内,主辅机舱空气放射性浓度有可能超过允许水平,而直接影响艇员的健康,并针对这一点提出了相应的改进措施。  相似文献   
研究基于中国综合社会调查2010年及2017年的微观数据,运用中介模型对七个多民族地区劳动者国家通用语言能力在受教育程度对其收入影响中的中介效应进行分析。得出在受教育程度对个体收入的正向影响中,国家通用语言能力起到部分中介作用,对劳动者收入有明显促进作用,且随着多民族地区经济发展以及推普工作的开展,国家通用语言能力对个体收入的正向影响力有所减弱,受教育程度对个体收入的正向影响力有所增强。因此应注重通过提升劳动者国家通用语言能力促进多民族地区经济发展,持续重视国家通用语言能力在多民族地区劳动者就业能力中的基础性作用以及为其带来的经济收益。  相似文献   
依据浮空器浮重平衡特性以及理想气体状态方程,探索了一种气体混充控制浮空器平飞高度的定高方式,并对浮空器气体混充定高技术进行了总体设计研究。考虑到热力学特性对于浮空器上升过程和平飞过程的重要性,结合工程热力学中混充气体的热物性能,以超压气球作为研究对象,分析球体上升和平飞过程中的热环境,并与动力学模型进行耦合。在此基础上,对混充气球上升及平飞过程进行力学仿真,得到气球上升过程中高度、速度、气体温度以及压强的变化,验证了浮空器混充定高技术的可行性,为后续浮空器飞行试验提供指导。  相似文献   
将多目标跟踪中的数据关联问题提成为一个离散最优化问题 ,并采用 L agrangian松驰算法来克服该问题面临的计算困难 ,这是目前多祯多目标测量数据关联研究发展的重要方向。首先将多祯多目标数据关联问题建立为一个带约束的多维分配问题 ;并在维数大于 2时 ,采用 L agrangian松驰算法来松驰约束条件 ,使问题降维为计算上可接受的二维分配问题。  相似文献   
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